Monday, October 18, 2010

Can we Be Private?

Many of us use the Internet daily without thinking about who can see what we are you feel like your conversations / emails / facebook posts are private? Who can see us?

What about e-commerce? Should we feel safe to bank and buy on the net?


  1. We should err on the side of paranoia as far as the internet is concerned. Your privacy is as private as you make it to be. Even this is prone to the unforeseen.

    So long as you can keep your computer free of viruses your day to day internet activities can be secure. However, this too should be taken with a grain of salt. With the current ability and intelligence of todays hacker (not to mention the tools they use) its hard to stay ahead of the game. Sometimes the best thing you can hope for is the bare minimum and a little forethought.

  2. Facebook, e-mails and no matter which form of communication, are only as private as we make them. Internet for hackers is just a maze that amuses their minds. I believe they can litterally access anything they want, therefore it is up to the user of the internet to use their discretion as to what information they are posting and also which websites they are using.

  3. I think one thing that people forget is that the Internet was never intended as a private platform, but was meant for people to share and publish their ideas for the world. Given that, I wonder just how much private data we can, or should, expect to have protected?

    I do, however, agree with both of you that individuals must be vigilant with their on-line practices, especially when it relates to personal information.

  4. To be honest I don't really think of things like that. I don't really put to much info on the internet or do I use the internet often, but with that said I do use the computer for all my banking needs. I guess I am just really not to concerned about it, but I probably should be. In my mind I think that whatever is there to protect me on the internet should.....For my own sake I hope it does!

  5. I myself love the fact that everything can be done online these days. ebay banking it's great! as far as information, you are as exposed to the public as you make yourself to be. unless u have those smart @$$ hackers, other then that I feel pretty safe with things I get done online.

  6. I agree with Ty 100%, your privacy is what you make it!
    I tend to laugh at some of the people on facebook. If you post something personal on facebook, you are asking for trouble! its like what you hear when people are getting arrested .."anything you do or say CAN and WILL be used against you"
    I will admit, I am guilty of putting some private info over the net (banking), it is convenient to do all your banking online. I will not purchase anything over the net, or post any info such as my sin number or banking info to a site that I do not trust. You have to be so careful these days with anything in fear of identity theft.

  7. I agree that what we post on the net is only as private as we make it. There are still ways for people to get on and found out the info they need. I do everything online because it is more convenient, but not really thinking that people can still find a way to access our private information.
