Monday, November 8, 2010

How much is too much?

How much is too much when it comes to assistive technology? Should our students be able to use spell check?


  1. Assistive technology is very useful, however is also disabling our children with certain skills. Spelling is a major issue at my house, and I believe with children my sons age. Computers and spell check are used in the classrooms. Children can write a full paper and not have to think about how to spell properly, they just have one simple task, choose the word they think is suitable and click on it. Spelling is right at their fingertips.
    I believe they should be able to use spell check be should know how to spell and have more spelling competitions, or games in the classroom promoting spelling.

  2. I agree with Lorrie, I know myself that at times i depended on spell check so much that yes it was spelled correctly but the words did not fit the sentence when the spell check would offer a suggestion to you. I just clicked on accept to easyand it ended up still being wrong.

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  4. I can see where like tessy without careful attention the evils of a spell check can be. I never use one myself but some word processors I have used are setup to automatically word check which can be annoying as sin.

    Do I think students should be able to use spell checkers? Yes; however, I do think that they should be aware that without some forethought it can correct words with the wrong ones. I don't see it as an issue when used properly because they have to be aware of the actual word they are trying to spell for the most part and choose it from a list. For the most part anyway.

  5. spell check is a very good tool. I believe that the students should be allowed to use it for the difficult words that they forget how or don't know how to spell, but it should not take over the place of learning how spell.

  6. I think that students should be able to use spell check, but like someone else said they need to be aware of what is being corrected because spell check does not always correct with the proper word. Also I think that after using spell check for a certan words ,over time the students will be able to spell them on their own if they are using this tool properly.
